With us you are protected

Buy a house with Re-King

Buy a house with Re-King because we have specialized in sales and rentals in Lecce and its province for 15 years

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Buy and rent a house with zero document problems

By contacting a Re-King real estate agent, you will have the security of purchasing or renting a property free from any problems. Each property treated undergoes an advanced documentary screening without leaving anything to chance. The real estate agency acquires properties with great commitment and scrupulousness. It is not the classic agency that acquires properties for the mere spirit of billboards and as it goes and then goes.

Complete and detailed publications

The advertisements of properties for sale are extensively documented by means of descriptions, photos, videos, characteristics and attached plans. Therefore, no poorly made images due to inability or to obtain an inspection with the possible buyer, then I convince him and he buys a house. When you request a real estate visit you will already have a clear idea of what you are going to see

Reasoned estimates of houses for sale 

Buy a house at real and not inflated prices. The sales prices have been discussed with the seller and are based on market parameters. It is no coincidence that we have made our software available for consultation on our websites. You can simulate the real sales value of the property you want to purchase, you will immediately realize that we are serious intermediaries and consultants. Calculate the value of a house for sale now. Calculate the value of a property for sale through Re-King and that of another agency.

Targeted real estate visits

During the inspection of one of the properties for sale, you will be given all the information without anything being hidden from you. You are informed of every circumstance known to the real estate agent. During the inspection phase you will understand the experience of the consultant you will be dealing with, positively evaluating his loyalty and professionalism.

Real estate consultants and not sellers

Buy a house with Re-King because it is a real estate agency that puts consultancy on every aspect relating to the final sale. You will not find sellers, but consultants, for whom selling is a subsequent and connected activity. But first of all consultancy.

Get the documents first and you don't buy a house on the spot

Buy a house. To confirm this, before submitting a proposal, but also with a simple request, the agency will transfer you all the useful documentation so that you can make the choice or even consult someone you trust. You won't find any agency that does this for you. But for us, this is fairness, because we are sure of what we sell and it is right that a trusted professional confirms it for you.

You sign a proposal after checking everything

We will never make you sign anything to buy a house, without having transferred to you one of the formats that we use. Also in this case, you can be assisted by a trusted lawyer, a technician and whoever you want. The moment you sign to offer to purchase you will know everything.

At the notary with us

We provide all the assistance necessary for a stipulation to be carried out without any type of hitch. We send the necessary documentation to the bank and notary. We will prepare everything so that that day is memorable as it has always happened in the deeds through us.

Transfer of utilities, removals, renovation

Whether you need to transfer utilities, move or renovate, we also provide this service, thanks to partnerships.

Always by your side even after the purchase

You can have our advice even after purchasing the property. We have always done it and will continue to do it. We are different from others in this too.

Rentals in complete safety, rent-saving policy

When you sign a rental contract through us, you can opt to take out the rent-saving policy and protect yourself from any insolvencies that can always arise in life. The owner will not require monthly deposits, but he will obtain a policy. The policy covers both up to eight months of unpaid installments and up to the first cause of eviction. The cost of signing up for the policy is just over a month's rent. The cost is not recovered as in the case of the deposit, but the guarantee is worth much more.


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